healthy living


Living a mindful life with meditation - YOUTOHEALTHY

6 Simple Steps for Living a Mindful Life

Living a mindful life can be difficult to do. Mindfulness is defined as a “moment-by-moment awareness of thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment.” It is characterized mainly by paying close attention to ideas and feelings with an impartial attitude. It involves no judging as to whether your ideas or feelings are right or wrong. Living a mindful life requires intense bodily and spiritual practices in the form of prayer and meditation. In reality, these two are mental training practices...

5 Steps to Reduce Mental Distractions

Mental distractions are inevitable struggles when we think deeply or try to focus on a task. At work, we can be overwhelmed with tons of ideas that find their ways—uninvited—to our minds. The same often happens to pupils while studying. Learning how to reduce mental distractions is an important part of life. Some people have a high aptitude for targeted focus over long periods of time. Others don’t. Causes can vary from individual to individual, and can be genetic or...

Stress management - YOUTOHEALTHY
Push-ups as a HIIT workout

HIIT Workouts: Do They Work?

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a series of short workout sessions, using the maximum power and speed of the individual to get the greatest fat burn. It is not only great for optimal fat burning during a workout, but also for a variety of things including weight loss, muscle strength, and endurance, as well as functional skills for the body. HIIT increases the rate of force production. Essentially, this is your muscles’ ability to apply the greatest force in...

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